Parent Interview & Reflective Summary


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this assignment, students will be able to define 20 commonly used acronyms



For this assignment, the student will locate and interview a parent/s/ of a child with a disability. To prepare for this, the student will develop 10-15 questions to ask during the interview. These questions will be submitted to the instructor prior to the interview. Reflection Paper: After the interview, write a 2-3 page summary of the interview. List the questions asked, with the responses from the parent/s/. You are to include answers to the following:

  • What did the parent say that surprised you?
  • What do you think their life must be like?
  • Describe some of the emotions you felt during this experience and listening to the parents.
  • What impressed you the most about this experience?
  • Thoughts/Impressions.

To submit this assignment, click on the link "Submit Parent Interview & Reflection Assignment" in the Parent Interview & Reflection folder. The assignment will be graded using this rubric.